Hair Restoration Options

Find your confidence and youthfulness restored with NuMale Medical Center’s advanced approach to hair restoration for men. Get acquainted with our lineup of minimally-invasive male hair restoration treatments driven by industry-leading technology, allowing you to achieve a thicker, lusher head of hair with half the downtime required of traditional methods. No linear scars, no pills, no medications, no painful side effects – just incredibly natural-looking results.

Whichever men’s hair loss treatment plan you choose, we’ll make sure your experience is as comfortable and effective as possible – and we’ll keep your goals and needs first every step of the way.

We use industry-leading technology and innovative techniques, which give our clients the best results.

PRP Hair Restoration Therapy

We’ll use your body’s own platelet rich plasma, or PRP, in this revolutionary men’s hair restoration technique. Over the course of several visits, our experienced, caring hair restoration clinicians will carefully draw your plasma, process it in our state-of-the-art lab while you wait,


and then return the blood’s concentrated platelets right back to the area of hair loss – stimulating stem cells deep in your hair follicles. It’s a natural, minimally-invasive hair regrowth approach for men with thinning hair, male pattern baldness or male pattern alopecia that’s cutting-edge, and for many satisfied patients, highly effective.

NeoGraft Transplant

Our NeoGraft Transplant is the first minimally-invasive, FDA Cleared automatic hair transplant that’s proven to regrow your hair – and reverse the devastating effects of men’s hair loss. Here’s how the convenient, 20-minute treatment works:


Our hair restoration clinicians will utilize the follicular unit extraction method, or FUE, to individually remove hair follicles from the back of your head, or in small clusters, then transplant it to the affected areas of hair loss.

There’s no need to worry about scarring, bleeding or nerve damage with this non-surgical hair transplant, and unlike the older STRIP hair transplant method, there’s no large linear scar left behind (making the procedure especially ideal if you prefer to keep your hair tight and trim). The best part? You can regrow your hair in as little as six months!

Laser Hair Therapy

Male hair restoration is simple, convenient and highly effective with our advanced laser hair therapy approach – ideal for those suffering from thinning hair, but not complete baldness. We use the Sunetics Clinical Laser Unit, a low-level laser energy technology, to stimulate your scalp and treat hair loss on the cellular level. Through Bio-Stimulation, the lasers energize your weakened follicles, initiate protein synthesis, mobilize cellular stimulation and improve blood microcirculation – all while you sit and relax.


Capillus Hair Restoration Cap

Stimulate new hair growth at home with the Capillus 272 Pro in as little as 30 minutes a day, three times a week! The FDA-Cleared Capillus laser therapy cap utilizes safe, low-level lasers to rejuvenate your hair follicles, reverse your hair loss and help you regrow a head of thicker, healthier hair – wherever, whenever.

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Its slender, ergonomic battery offers hands-free mobility for efficiency and convenience, so you can kick regrowth into gear without sacrificing your lifestyle and daily routine.

The best in do-it-yourself low-level laser therapy hair restoration, the Capillus is a safe, effective and side effect-free solution for androgenetic alopecia and hereditary hair loss in men. It’s clinically-backed, to boot: In an independent medical study, the Capillus low-level laser reversed hair loss in 100% of the active participants when used every other day for 17 weeks. Capillus results in the same study showed an increase in hair volume ranging from 11% to 189%!

Schedule Your Consultation with Our Men’s Hair Restoration Treatment Experts and Regrow Thicker, Healthier Hair!

Visit Us

Dr. Michele Blackwell

Tel: 832.932.5138 |
Fax: 832.932.5142


Monday8:30 am - 4:45 pm
Tuesday8:30 am - 4:45 pm
Wednesday8:30 am - 4:45 pm
Thursday8:30 am - 4:45 pm
Friday8:30 am - 11:45 am

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